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joi, 1 septembrie 2011

Romanian FLOSS summer school in Arad Castle

These days I'm participating at an event called "Informatics at the Castle" [1] [2]. It's the third edition and until now I had a wonderful time. I had a talk about the advantages of Free Software and my work at GSoC. I also talked about Apache Software Foundation, Debian, and Ceata.org (a young Romanian FLOSS community) [3].

The presentation is available from here [4].

The participants are from very diverse domains: University teachers (from four Romanian and Moldavian universities), small/medium business owners, students, government agencies employees, LUG members, etc.

That's all for now.

[1] http://www.osor.eu/events/informatics-at-the-castle-free-and-open-source-summer-school/?searchterm=arad
[2] http://proinfo.uvvg.ro/ (in Romanian)
[3] http://ceata.org
[4] http://voinici.ceata.org/~ieugen/files/castiga%20cu%20software%20liber.pdf

2 comentarii:

  1. Pictures available here:

  2. Titlul fișierului PDF (care apare în bara de titlu a ferestrei aplicației) este C[PleaseinsertPrerenderUnicode...

    Adresa concursului de extensii Firefox este http://concurs-de-extensii.ceata.org iar a Editurii Cartea Liberă este http://cartea-libera.org (ai omis de două ori 'a' din 'cartea' și adresa este incorectă)

    Legăturile nu au <a href și astfel nu încurajează cititorii să intre pe acele situri.
